3th-6th, Dec,2019. Shandong Liaocheng Derun EMT development co., LTD will attend the 15th Shanghai Frankfurt auto parts exhibition.Booth no. : 7.1f107, welcome you visit our booth.
With self-developed diesel engine common rail fuel injection system accessories, Shandong Derun EMT Developing Co., Ltd. have attracted a large number of customers. The new products, common rail injector, common rail control valve, valve assembly, high pressure common rail limiting valve, common...
Numutkeun data tina jingdong impor sarta ékspor. di handapeun inisiatif "Hiji Beubeur Jeung Hiji Jalan". nu dagang online antara Cina jeung sesa dunya tumuwuh gancang. Ngaliwatan cross-wates e-commerce. barang Cina nu dijual ka leuwih ti 100 nagara jeung wewengkon. kaasup ru ...