According to the data of jingdong import and export. under the “One Belt And One Road” initiative. the online commerce between China and the rest of the world develops rapidly. Through cross-border e-commerce. Chinese goods are sold to more than 100 countries and regions. including Russia. Israel. South Korea and Vietnam. that have signed cooperation documents to jointly build the “One Belt And One Road”. The scope of online commerce has gradually expanded to many countries in Europe. Asia and Africa. The open and rising Chinese market has also provided new economic growth points for the construction of “One Belt And One Road” cooperative countries.
Up to now. China has signed 174 cooperation documents on jointly building the “One Belt And One Road” with 126 countries and 29 international organizations. Through the analysis of the above countries’ import and export consumption data on jd platform. the jingdong big data research institute found that China and the “One Belt And One Road” cooperative countries’ online commerce presents five trends. and the “online silk road” connected by cross-border e-commerce is being described.
Trend 1: online business scope expands rapidly
According to a report released by the jingdong big data research institute. Chinese goods have been sold through cross-border e-commerce to more than 100 countries and regions including Russia. Israel. South Korea and Vietnam that have signed cooperation documents with China to jointly build “One Belt And One Road”. Online commercial relations have expanded from Eurasia to Europe. Asia and Africa. and many African countries have achieved zero breakthroughs. Cross-border online commerce has shown vigorous vitality under the “One Belt And One Road” initiative.
According to the report. among the 30 countries with the largest growth in online export and consumption in 2018. 13 are from Asia and Europe. among which Vietnam. Israel. South Korea. Hungary. Italy. Bulgaria and Poland are the most prominent. The other four were occupied by Chile in South America. New Zealand in Oceania and Russia and Turkey across Europe and Asia. In addition. African countries Morocco and Algeria also achieved relatively high growth in cross-border e-commerce consumption in 2018. Africa. South America. North America. the Middle East and other areas of the private business began to be active online.
Trend 2: cross-border consumption is more frequent and diversified
According to the report. the number of orders of “One Belt And One Road” construction partner countries using cross-border e-commerce consumption in jd in 2018 is 5.2 times that in 2016. In addition to the growth contribution of new users. the frequency of consumers from various countries purchasing Chinese goods through cross-border e-commerce websites is also increasing significantly. Mobile phones and accessories. home furnishings. beauty and health products. computers and Internet products are the most popular Chinese products in overseas markets. In the past three years. great changes have taken place in the categories of commodities for online export consumption. As the proportion of mobile phones and computers decreases and the proportion of daily necessities increases. the relationship between Chinese manufacturing and the daily life of overseas people becomes closer.
In terms of growth rate. beauty and health. household appliances. clothing accessories and other categories saw the fastest growth. followed by toys. shoes and boots. and audio-visual entertainment. Sweeping robot. humidifier. electric toothbrush is a large increase in sales of electrical categories. At present. China is the world’s largest producer and trading country of home appliances. “going global” will create new opportunities for Chinese home appliance brands.
Trend 3: large differences in export and consumption markets
According to the report. cross-border online consumption structure varies greatly among countries. Therefore. targeted market layout and localization strategy is of great significance for the implementation of the product.
At present. in the Asian region represented by South Korea and the Russian market spanning Europe and Asia. the sales share of mobile phones and computers begins to decline. and the trend of category expansion is very obvious. As the country with the highest cross-border consumption of jd online. the sales of mobile phones and computers in Russia have dropped by 10.6% and 2.2% respectively in the past three years. while the sales of beauty. health. household appliances. automotive supplies. clothing accessories and toys have increased. European countries represented by Hungary still have a relatively large demand for mobile phones and accessories. and their export sales of beauty. health. bags and gifts. and shoes and boots have increased significantly. In South America. represented by Chile. the sales of mobile phones decreased. while the sales of smart products. computers and digital products increased. In African countries represented by Morocco. the proportion of export sales of mobile phones. clothing and home appliances has increased significantly.
Trend 4: "One Lach an eng Road" Länner verkafen gutt an China
An 2018. South Korea. Italien. Singapur. Éisträich. Malaysien. Neiséiland. Chile. Thailand. Indien an Indonesien goufen widdert Importatioune vun Produite laanscht de "" One Lach an eng Road "" Linn wat vun online Ofsaz. no online Daten d'JD. Ënnert der grousser Villfalt vun online COMMODITIES. Iessen an Gedrénks. Schéinheet en Apparat an Haut ëm Produkter. Kichen Gewaan. Kleeder. a Computer Bürosmaterial sinn d'Kategorien mat den héchste Ofsaz Volume.
Mat Myanmar d'Jade. rosewood Miwwelen an aner Wueren gutt an China ze verkafen. de Verkaf vu Wueren aus Myanmar vun 126 mol fräi an 2018 importéiert Verglach mat 2016 Hot Ofsaz vun chilenesh frësch Liewensmëttel an China hunn Importer vun chilenesh Wueren an 2018. mat Konsument Ofsaz 23,5 mol aus 2016 Zousätzlech an ugekierpt. China an d'Importer aus de Philippinnen. Polen. Portugal. Griichenland. Éisträich an anere Länner. den Ofsaz Volume huet och rapid Wuesstem erreecht. Maart Plaz an Dynamik bruecht duerch China d'Multi-Niveau Konsum Upgrade hunn fir de "One Lach an eng Road" zesumme Länner nei Wirtschaftswuestum Punkten hunn.
Trend 5: "One Lach an eng Road" souzen Wirtschaft kritt Schwong
An 2014 huet China d'Import Konsum och zu Mëllech Pudder konzentréiert. Kosmetik. Poschen a Bijouen an aner Kategorien. An 2018. Neuseeland propolis. Zahnpasta. Chile Cayenne. Indonesien Direktnoriichten Nuddelen. Éisträich Red Bull an aner deeglech FDG Produiten hunn rapid Wuesstem gesinn. an importéiert Produiten hunn den Dag Konsum vun Chinese Awunner koum.
An 2018. huet d'Israeli Tripollar radiofrequency Schéinheet Meter en Hit ginn. virun allem ënnert der "Post-90er" Konsumenten an China. Chile Kiischten. Thailand schwaarz Tiger statspaye huet. Elli Uebst an aner Neuseeland fir vill Joren. Zousätzlech. Matière premièren aus verschiddene Länner vun Urspronk ginn de Label vun Qualitéit Wueren. De Wäin Formatioun déi vun Tschechesch Kristallsglas produzéiert mécht. de Miwwelen déi Birmanesch Hua limu. Jade mécht. Handwierk. de Ech soen Iech merci, datt Thai Mëllechsaaft mécht. mattess. sech an Mass Produktioun vun d`Paess nei duerch Etapp Etapp.
Wat vun Ofsaz Volume. Koreanesch Kosmetik. Mëllechproduiten Neuseeland. Thai Snacks. Indonesesch Snacks. an Nuddele sinn déi populär importéiert Produiten laanscht de "One Lach an eng Road" Wee. mat héije Konsum Frequenz an déi jonk Konsumenten refuséiert. Aus der Perspektiv vun Konsum Betrag. Thai Mëllechsaaft. Neuseeland Mëllechproduiten a Koreanesch hate si ganz populär ënnert urban wäiss-Rei Aarbechter an Mëttelschicht Leit déi Opmierksamkeet op d'Liewensqualitéit bezuelen. D'Origine Charakteristiken vun esou COMMODITIES spigelen och den aktuellen Trend vun Konsum Upgrade an China.
Post time: May-21-2019